Thursday, April 10, 2008

Life, Lately

Okay, an exciting thing in my life, I got a gocco printer, LOVE IT!!!! (have you ever seen dragon tales, I wish I haven't) I did Niki Christensens graduation announcements. She said she wanted elegant, she is working in DC so I did a beautiful cherry blossom design. She then informed me she wasn't into flowers, I asked her what she was 'into' she said bikes. I am glad she was into bikes, I think I like it better the cherry blossoms anyways. I have already gotten another job to do announcements. I can't wait to do some of my own stuff.
Ari got a fish, named Coral. Coral likes to sleep upside down at the top of the tank. I am afraid to look every morning.
This is where Nico is spending a lot of time lately. What is up with three year olds, he is crazy.
Ari and John practicing, they have a pretty good song going. Ari really know his part. And will make John start over if he makes a mistake. John is starting over a lot.


Morgan Moore said...

I so so want a gocco printer! I am JEALOUS! Love all the photo's. YOU are a rockstar!


Anonymous said...

ow, the invites turned out great! you so rock the gocco.

poor nico.

love the photo of ari and john - much like when kellie and tessa get together!

we'll play soon (or i'll freak out)!

Thomas said...

Finally! you were the one that inspired me to do a blog in the first place! We have had two fish die and we are on our third. The first one died of an anxiety attack and the second one we found with its head stuck between two rocks. Our third fish Milo is doing well.

andi said...

Ari can be a real task-master. But that is just what John needs if he really wants to keep this band together.

p.s. I'll take the cherry blossom design. Now I just have to think of an event that needs announcing. If I get my gall bladder out, will you do an announcement?

Carina said...

Three year olds are certifiable.

Cindy Bean said...

Those are beautiful! I got all jealous and wanted to get out my gocco.

Anonymous said...

This is Nikki and my INVITES ARE SO GREAT and everyone in utah got them yesterday and I got a million texts about them and I am so famous now.

Everyone should get their invites done by Whitney and yes, bikes are cooler than flowers.