The sheet rocker is DONE!!! He is a true artist, and a hippie who dances around a tree for four days with out food or water, then smokes paotee, this is what caused a three week delay, evidently you need a lot of recovery time after you do that. It looks great, we are painting today, the floors should get done next week. And then I can move all of the office crap out of the kitchen, and be happy again.
What I am really excited for is to get my sewing machine out of storage, I am having withdrawals. I am also having flash backs of growing up in construction, which kind of exciting when you would have contest of who could hit the biggest whole in the wall, but not when your boyfriend comes over and your parents wave to him from bed trough the whole in the wall. John wants to redo the kitchen, and I am saying no, I just can't handle it.
You thought the hole in the wall was just snail's pace construction? Obviously it was a clever ploy to spy on you and your boyfriend late at night.
Where did you see the burning car? You know I would get out of the car for the shot.
on a trip to Arizona with my dad, and kids, i like to road trip. I had just seen die hard, and was sure it was going to blow. According to that movie, know one really would get hurt because of the fire, but I just could not risk it.
Awesome! Fire! Fire!
I can't wait to see your house in real life.
I hear you about growing up in a construction zone. Holy cow. So many memories. I'm determined that when we finally buy a house we'll redo it before we move in. I don't want to deal with living in a construction zone--I did that for 12 years, that's enough of that.
I didn't realize you went through the same pain i did. Maybe that is why we didn't hang out at each others houses. Really we were friends, but did you ever come over? I only remember your house from elementary school. I really think that effected friendships and a whole bunch of other stuff. I am a little weird when anyone comes over to my house now. I remember my dad moving a temporary kitchen into the basement and then taking out the stairs. So we had to use a ladder to go up and down, including to carry the dishes to the upstairs bath tub to wash them.
remember, i've got your back on the whole kitchen remodel thing.
just say no!
Yeah, I remember your house :) I remember sheets for walls and the whole deal. Even if I pass by your old house now, it's kind of weird that there's no construction going on.
Ours was a ranch, so moving around the construction zones was easier. I think our low was the 3 foot deep TRENCH that they dug through our hallway and kitchen into the dirt under the foundation. I think about that now and cringe. I was only 7 or 8 at that point so the other kids had to have been really little, like 1, 3, and 5. What a nightmare.
I tagged you!
Whitney I like the car fire and I like your blog but you need to write more entries to keep me your sick pregnant friend entertained when I am avoiding doing the house work that I should be doing.
Amy, amy who, Hunter? Manglesen? Draschel? am really excited to find who is pregnant. I will do this weekly if you let me know.
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